- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:PowerPath、理想二极管和负载开关
- 技术类目:PowerPath、理想二极管和负载开关
- 功能描述:具电流监视器的双通道理想二极管 “或” 和单通道热插拔控制器
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

LTC4236 通过控制外部 N 沟道 MOSFET 为两个电源轨提供理想二极管 “或” 和热插拔 (Hot Swap) 功能。起理想二极管作用的 MOSFET 可替代两个高功率肖特基二极管和关联的散热器,从而节省了功率和电路板空间。一个热插拔控制 MOSFET 通过限制浪涌电流在带电背板上实现了安全的电路板插拔操作。另外,利用一个快速动作折返电流限制和电子电路断路器还为电源输出提供了针对短路故障的保护。
LTC4236 可调节理想二极管 MOSFET 两端的正向电压降,以确保从一个电源至另一个电源的无振荡平滑电流转移。理想二极管 MOSFET 快速接通以减小电源切换期间的负载电压降。如果输入电源发生故障或短路,则快速关断可较大限度地抑制反向电流瞬变。
一个电流检测放大器把检测电阻器两端的电压转换为一个接地参考信号。LTC4236 提供了可调启动延迟、接通 / 关断控制,并向电源报告故障和电源良好状态。
- 冗余电源
- 高可用性系统和服务器
- 电信和网络基础设施
- 用于冗余电源的理想二极管“或”和浪涌电流控制
- 功率肖特基二极管的低损耗型替代方案
- 可在带电背板上实现安全的电路板插拔操作
- 2.9V 至 18V 工作范围
- 电流监视器输出
- 控制 N 沟道 MOSFET
- 可在 ≤ 1μs 的时间里限制峰值故障电流
- 具折返的可调电流限制功能
- 可调启动和电流限制故障延迟
- 0.5μs 理想二极管接通和关断时间
- 无振荡的平滑切换
- 故障、电源良好和二极管状态输出
- LTC4236-1:在发生故障之后执行锁断操作
- LTC4236-2:在发生故障之后执行自动重试操作
- 28 引脚 4mm x 5mm QFN 封装
LTC4236CUFD-1#PBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:管装,73,工作温度:0 to 70C,AD官网报价:5.74(100-499个);4.74(1000+个)
LTC4236CUFD-1#TRPBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:0 to 70C,AD官网报价:5.74(100-499个);4.74(1000+个)
LTC4236CUFD-2#PBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:管装,73,工作温度:0 to 70C,AD官网报价:5.74(100-499个);4.74(1000+个)
LTC4236CUFD-2#TRPBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:0 to 70C,AD官网报价:5.74(100-499个);4.74(1000+个)
LTC4236IUFD-1#PBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:管装,73,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:6.31(100-499个);5.21(1000+个)
LTC4236IUFD-1#TRPBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:6.31(100-499个);5.21(1000+个)
LTC4236IUFD-2#PBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:管装,73,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:6.31(100-499个);5.21(1000+个)
LTC4236IUFD-2#TRPBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:6.31(100-499个);5.21(1000+个)

DC2314A-B:LTC4236-2 Demo Board | Dual Ideal Diode-OR & Single Hot Swap Controller with Current Monitor, Auto-Retry Version
Demonstration circuit 2314A is intended to demonstrate the performance of the LTC4236-1/LTC4236-2 Dual Ideal Diode-OR and Single Hot Swap Controller with Current Monitor. The controller operates in redundant supply circuits, where each rail has an individual ideal diode, and the outputs are connected to the load through a single Hot Swap circuit. The controller enables monitoring of the load current by providing a signal that is 100× the sense resistor voltage.
DC2314A-A:LTC4236-1 Demo Board | Dual Ideal Diode-OR & Single Hot Swap Controller with Current Monitor, Latch-Off Version
Demonstration circuit 2314A is intended to demonstrate the performance of the LTC4236-1/LTC4236-2 Dual Ideal Diode-OR and Single Hot Swap Controller with Current Monitor. The controller operates in redundant supply circuits, where each rail has an individual ideal diode, and the outputs are connected to the load through a single Hot Swap circuit. The controller enables monitoring of the load current by providing a signal that is 100× the sense resistor voltage.