- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:PMIC 和多功能
- 技术类目:开关电池充电器
- 功能描述:具最大功率点控制功能以为电池充电的高电压、大电流控制器
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

LTC4000-1 是一款高电压、高性能控制器,该器件可将许多外部补偿的 DC/DC 电源转换为具最大功率点控制功能的全功能电池充电器。与 LTC4000 不同的是,LTC4000-1 具有一个输入电压调节环路,而不是输入电流调节环路。
LTC4000-1 的电池充电器特点包括:准确 (±0.25%) 的可编程浮置电压、可选的定时器或电流充电终止、采用 NTC 热敏电阻实现适宜温度充电、自动再充电、用于深度放电电池的 C/10 涓流充电、失效电池检测以及状态指示器输出功能。另外,电池充电器还具有精准的电流检测能力,可为大电流应用提供较低的检测电压。
LTC4000-1 支持智能型电源通路 (PowerPath) 控制。一个外部 PFET 用于提供低损耗反向电流保护。另一个外部 PFET 则负责提供电池的低损耗充电或放电。这第二个 PFET 还有助于实现一种 “即时接通” 功能,即使在与一个严重放电或发生短路故障的电池相连接的情况下,此项功能也可提供即时的下游系统电源。
LTC4000-1 采用扁平的 28 引脚 4mm x 5mm QFN 封装和 SSOP 封装。
- 太阳能供电型电池充电器系统
- 具高阻抗输入电源 (例如:燃料电池或风力涡轮机) 的电池充电器
- 配备电池的工业或便携式军用设备
- 最大功率控制:可兼容太阳能板输入
- 当与一个 DC/DC 转换器搭配使用时可实现完整的高性能电池充电器
- 宽的输入和输出电压范围:3V 至 60V
- 输入理想二极管用于低损耗反向隔离和负载均分
- 输出理想二极管用于低损耗的 PowerPath 控制以及与电池的负载均分
- 可编程充电电流:±1% 准确度
- 准确度达 ±0.25% 的可编程浮置电压
- 可编程 C/X 或基于定时器的充电终止
- 用于适宜温度充电的 NTC 输入
- 28 引脚 4mm x 5mm QFN 封装或 SSOP 封装
LTC4000EGN-1#PBF,封装:28-Lead SSOP (Narrow 0.15 Inch),包装形式及数量:管装,49,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:5.63(100-499个);4.61(1000+个)
LTC4000EGN-1#TRPBF,封装:28-Lead SSOP (Narrow 0.15 Inch),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:5.63(100-499个);4.61(1000+个)
LTC4000EUFD-1#PBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:管装,73,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:5.39(100-499个);4.41(1000+个)
LTC4000EUFD-1#TRPBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:5.39(100-499个);4.41(1000+个)
LTC4000IGN-1#PBF,封装:28-Lead SSOP (Narrow 0.15 Inch),包装形式及数量:管装,49,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:6.67(100-499个);5.47(1000+个)
LTC4000IGN-1#TRPBF,封装:28-Lead SSOP (Narrow 0.15 Inch),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:6.67(100-499个);5.47(1000+个)
LTC4000IUFD-1#PBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:管装,73,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:6.47(100-499个);5.3(1000+个)
LTC4000IUFD-1#TRPBF,封装:28-Lead QFN (4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:6.47(100-499个);5.3(1000+个)

DC1721B-B:LTC4000-1 Demo Board | 6V ≤ VIN ≤ 36V, Buck-Boost Battery Charger Controller with MPPC and PowerPath Manager, VOUT = 14.6V @ 5A
Demonstration circuit 1721B is a 14.6V, 5A battery charger and PowerPath manager with 6VIN to 36VIN buck-boost converter featuring the LTC4000-1/LTC3789, targeted at 4-cell LiFePO4 applications. The LTC4000-1 has an input voltage regulation loop for Maximum Power Point Control (MPPC). MPPC extracts near maximum power from high impedance sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, or fuel cells.
The output of this demo board was specifically tailored for a Tenergy 10A-hour battery, P/N 30207. Other voltages can be set by changing ROFB2 and RBFB2. The desired nominal voltage can be accurately trimmed by using trim resistors R42 and R43. For example, for 14.4V battery float voltage, change ROFB2 and RBFB2 to 86.6k, and add 7.5M at R42 and R43 for greater set point accuracy.
This circuit was designed to demonstrate the high levels of performance, efficiency, and small solution size attainable using these ICs in a buck-boost converter battery charger, intelligent PowerPath manager, and power supply. It operates at 400kHz and produces a regulated 5A/14.6V battery charger output as well as a system output of up to 6.25A from an input voltage range of 6V to 36V: suitable for a wide variety of portable applications including instruments, industrial equipment, power tools, and computers.