- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:PMIC 和多功能
- 技术类目:PMIC(DC/DC、PowerPath和电池充电器)
- 功能描述:高集成度的 6 通道便携式 PMIC
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

LTC3577 是一款面向单节锂离子 / 锂聚合物电池应用的高集成度电源管理 IC。它包括一个具自动负载优先级处理功能的 PowerPath 管理器、一个电池充电器、一个理想二极管、输入过压保护和众多其他的内部保护功能。LTC3577 专为从诸如 USB 等电流受限型电源进行准确的充电而设计,借助的方法是自动减小充电电流,这样负载电流与充电电流之和就不会超过编程输入电流限值 (100mA 或 500mA 模式)。在高温条件下,LTC3577 将降低电池电压,旨在改善安全性和可靠性。利用片内 Bat-Track 控制器,能够从高达 38V 的电源来进行有效的高电流充电。LTC3577 还包括一个按钮输入,用于控制 3 个同步降压型开关稳压器和系统复位。板上 LED 背光源升压电路能驱动多达 10 个串联的 LED,并拥有通过 I2C 输入实现的通用型数字调光功能。I2C 输入还负责控制两个 150mA LDO 以及其他的操作模式和状态回读功能。LTC3577 采用扁平的 4mm x 7mm x 0.75mm 44 引脚 QFN 封装。
- PND、DMB/DVB-H;数字/卫星无线电;媒体播放器
- 便携式工业/医疗产品
- 万能遥控器、相片查看器
- 其他基于 USB 的手持式产品
- 具“即时接通”操作功能的全功能锂离子/锂聚合物电池充电器/ PowerPath控制器
- 三路可调输出高效率降压型开关稳压器 (800mA、500mA、500mA IOUT)
- 硬复位 (Hard Reset) 模式中的电池消耗电流为 6μA
- Bat-Track 控制用于外部 HV 降压型 DC/DC
- 用于降低 EMI 的 I2C 可调型 SW 转换速率
- 在高温时降低电池电压可改善安全性和可靠性
- 用于 USB (VBUS) / 墙上适配器输入的过压保护电路提供至 30V 的保护能力
- 集成 40V 串联 LED 背光源驱动器通过 I2C 提供 60dB 的亮度控制和灰度调节能力
- 1.5A 最大充电电流和热限制功能
- 电池浮动电压:
- 4.2V (LTC3577)
- 4.1V (LTC3577-1)
- 具系统复位功能的按钮 On/Off 控制
- 双路 150mA 电流限制 LDO
- 小外形 4mm x 7mm 44 引脚 QFN 封装
LTC3577EUFF#PBF,封装:44-Lead QFN (4mm x 7mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:管装,52,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:6.11(100-499个);5.01(1000+个)
LTC3577EUFF#TRPBF,封装:44-Lead QFN (4mm x 7mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:6.11(100-499个);5.01(1000+个)
LTC3577EUFF-1#PBF,封装:44-Lead QFN (4mm x 7mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:管装,52,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:6.11(100-499个);5.01(1000+个)
LTC3577EUFF-1#TRPBF,封装:44-Lead QFN (4mm x 7mm x 0.75mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:6.11(100-499个);5.01(1000+个)

DC1402A-B:LTC3577EUFF-1 Demo Board | PMIC, 3 Bucks, 2 LDOs, Boost, Battery Charger, Etc. 1.6V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V, Multiple VOUTs
Demo Circuit 1402 is a Highly Integrated 6-Channel Portable PMIC featuring the LTC3577 (DC1402A-A) and the LTC3577-1 (DC1402A-B), which include a push button controller, two 150mA LDOs, three synchronous buck converters (800mA, 500mA, 500mA), a Li-Ion battery charger, a Power-Path controller, and high voltage buck controller interface that allows the board to control a separate LTC high voltage buck converter demo board to drive an LED (included with the demo board). The LTC3577's battery charger has a 4.2V float voltage while the LTC3577-1 has a 4.1V float voltage. The board can be power with a 1.6V to 5.5V DC input supply, a USB input or a 5V wall adapter. Do not look directly at the operating LED as this circuit produces light that can damage eyes.
DC1402A-A:LTC3577EUFF Demo Board | PMIC, 3 Bucks, 2 LDOs, Boost, Battery Charger, Etc. 1.6V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V, Multiple VOUTs
Demo Circuit 1402 is a Highly Integrated 6-Channel Portable PMIC featuring the LTC3577 and LTC3577-1, which include a push button controller, two 150mA LDOs, three synchronous buck converters (800mA, 500mA, 500mA), a Li-Ion battery charger, a Power-Path controller, and high voltage buck controller interface that allows the board to control a separate LTC high voltage buck converter demo board to drive an LED (included with the demo board). Do not look directly at the operating LED as this circuit produces light that can damage eyes. The board can be power with a 1.6V to 5.5V DC input supply, a USB input or a 5V wall adapter.