- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:RF放大器
- 技术类目:驱动放大器
- 功能描述:中等功率放大器SMT,12 - 30 GHz
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

HMC383LC4是一款通用GaAs PHEMT MMIC驱动放大器,采用符合RoHS标准的无引脚SMT封装。 该放大器采用+5V单电源,增益为15 dB,饱和功率为+18 dBm。 在整个工作频带内具有一致的增益和输出功率,因而可以在多个无线电频段使用一个通用的驱动器/LO放大器。 隔直RF I/O匹配至50 Ω,使用方便。 HMC383LC4采用符合RoHS标准的无引脚4x4 mm 封装,兼容表面贴装制造技术。
- 点对点无线电
- 点对多点无线电和VSAT
- 测试设备和传感器
- HMC混频器LO驱动器
- 军事和太空
- 增益: 15 dB
- 饱和输出功率: +18 dBm
- 输出IP3: +25 dBm
- 单正电源:
+5V (100 mA) - 50 Ω匹配输入/输出
- 符合RoHS标准的4x4 mm封装
HMC383LC4,封装:24-Lead LCC (4mm x 4mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:Cut Tape,100,工作温度:-55 to 85C,AD官网报价:52.36(100-499个)
HMC383LC4TR,封装:24-Lead LCC (4mm x 4mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,100,工作温度:-55 to 85C,AD官网报价:52.36(100-499个)
HMC383LC4TR-R5,封装:24-Lead LCC (4mm x 4mm w/ EP),包装形式及数量:卷带,500,工作温度:-55 to 85C,AD官网报价:52.36(100-499个)

EVAL-HMC383LC4:HMC383LC4 评估板
X-Band Phased Array Platform:Scalable 32 Element Hybrid Beamforming Phased-Array RADAR Development Platform
The X-Band Development Platform contains one MxFE software defined, direct RF sampling transceivers, X-Band to C-Band Up/Down Converter, and a X/Ku Band analog phased array proto-typing platform. The target application is phased array radars, electronic warfare, and ground-based SATCOM, specifically a X Band 32 transmit/32 receive channel hybrid beamforming phased array radar.
The X-Band Development Platform highlights a complete system solution. It is intended as a testbed for demonstrating hybrid beamforming phased array radar as well as the implementation of system level calibrations, beamforming algorithms, and other signal processing algorithms. The system is designed to mate with a ZCU102 Evaluation Board from Xilinx, which features the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC FPGA, with provided reference software, HDL code, and MATLAB system-level interfacing software.
The system can be used to enable quick time-to-market development programs for applications like:
ADEF (Phased-Array, RADAR, EW, SATCOM) Hybrid Beamforming Electronic Test and Measurement