- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:RF放大器
- 技术类目:功率放大器
- 功能描述:25 W GaN法兰贴装MMIC功率放大器,2 - 6 GHz
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

HMC1086F10是一款25W氮化镓(GaN) MMIC功率放大器,工作频率范围为2至6 GHz,采用10引脚法兰贴装封装。 该放大器通常提供23 dB小信号增益,+44.5 dBm饱和输出功率,在+33 dBm输出功率/信号音下,提供+46 dBm输出IP3。 该放大器采用+28V直流电源的静态功耗为1,100 mA。 隔直RF I/O匹配至50 Ω,使用方便。
- 测试仪器仪表
- 通用通信
- 雷达
- 高Psat: +44.5 dBm
- Psat下功率增益: 11 dB
- 高输出IP3: +46 dBm
- 小信号增益: 23 dB
- 电源电压: +28V (1100 mA)
- 50 Ω匹配输入/输出
- 10引脚法兰封装
HMC1086F10,封装:10-Lead LDCC (11.43mm x 17.32mm),包装形式及数量:托盘,5,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:597.44(100-499个)

EVAL-HMC1086F10:HMC1086F10 Evalation Board
The HMC1086F10 evaluation board is a two layer PCB fabricated using 10 mil thick Arlon 25FR or Rogers 4350B copper clad. The PCB is mounted to a metal heat spreader which assists in providing thermal relief to the part as well as mechanical support to the PCB. Mounting holes allow for easy attachment to larger heat sinks for improved thermal management. The RF input and RF output traces have a 50 ohm characteristic impedance and the board is populated with components suitable for use over the entire Operating Temperature range of the part.