- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:加速度计
- 技术类目:加速度计
- 功能描述:3轴、±2 G/±4 G/±8 G/±16 G超低功耗数字加速度计
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

ADXL346是一款小而薄的超低功耗3轴加速度计,分辨率高(13位),测量范围达±16 g。数字输出数据为16位二进制补码格式,可通过SPI(3线或4线)或I2C数字接口访问。
ADXL346非常适合移动设备应用。它可以在倾斜检测应用中测量静态重力加速度,还可以测量运动或冲击导致的动态加速度。它具有高分辨率(4 mg/LSB),能够分辨不到1.0°的倾斜度变化。
ADXL346采用3 mm × 3 mm × 0.95 mm、16引脚小型超薄塑封封装。
- 手机
- 医疗仪器
- 游戏和定点设备
- 工业仪器仪表
- 个人导航设备
- 硬盘驱动器(HDD)保护
- 超低功耗:VS = 2.6 V(典型值)时,测量模式下低至23 μA,待机模式下低至0.2 μA
- 功耗随带宽自动按比例变化
- 用户可选的分辨率
全分辨率,分辨率随g 范围提高而提高, ±16 g 时达到最高分辨率13位(在所有g范围内保持4 mg/LSB 的比例系数) - 正在申请专利的嵌入式存储器管理系统采用FIFO技术,可将主机处理器负荷降至较低
- 单击/双击检测
- 活动/非活动监控
- 自由落体检测
- 方向检测功能支持四位置和六位置同时检测
- 电源和I/O电压范围:1.7 V至2.75 V
- SPI(3线和4线)和I2C 数字接口
- 灵活的中断模式,可映射到任一中断引脚
- 欲了解更多特性,请参考数据手册
ADXL346ACCZ-RL,封装:16-Lead LGA (3mm x 3mm),包装形式及数量:卷带,5000,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:2.68(1000+个)
ADXL346ACCZ-RL7,封装:16-Lead LGA (3mm x 3mm),包装形式及数量:卷带,1500,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:2.68(1000+个)

EVAL-ADXL346-ISEB:ADXL346-ISEB Evaluation Board
The iMEMS ADXL346 inertial sensor evaluation systemis an easy-to-use evaluation tool targeting bench or desktopcharacterization of Analog Devices, Inc., inertial sensor products.The system consists of the inertial sensor evaluation board (ISEB),or main board, and a satellite board for any Analog Devicesinertial sensor product. The ISEB connects directly to a PC viaan USB cable, with the USB connection providing bothcommunications and power to the board. The ISEB isconnected to the satellite board through a ribbon cable. Thiscable allows the satellite to be easily manipulated for testing orseparately placed into an environmental chamber fortemperature or humidity testing. Separating the boardsmitigates corruption of data due to the temperature andhumidity effects of other components.
The ISEB is an universal main board and is intended to be usedwith various satellites of Analog Devices inertial sensors, includinganalog and digital accelerometers, as well as gyroscopes. Thedifferent products are evaluated by means of separate GUIs that arecustomized for performance and characterization measurementsrelevant to the inertial sensor being evaluated.
The EVAL-ADXL346Z-M system contains the ISEB and theEVAL-ADXL346Z-S satellite. Also included is an USB A toMini-B cable to connect the ISEB to a PC and an 18-inch, 20-pin ribbon cable to connect the ISEB to the satellite.