- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:可调谐滤波器
- 技术类目:带通可调谐滤波器
- 功能描述:15.1 GHz至32 GHz,可调带通滤波器
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

ADMV8432是一款单芯片微波集成电路(MMIC)可调带通滤波器,具有用户可选的通带频率。3 dB滤波器带宽>17%的中心频率(fCENTER)。此外,施加一个0 V至15 V的模拟调谐电压后,fCENTER可在16.6 GHz至30.1 GHz范围内变化。可用通带转折频率(fCORNER)范围为15.1 GHz至32 GHz。这款可调谐滤波器可用作大体积开关滤波器组和腔体调谐滤波器的小型替代方案。这款可调谐滤波器采用单芯片设计,具有出色的颤噪性能,可为高级通信应用提供动态可调的解决方案。
- 测试与测量设备
- 军用雷达和电子战(EW)系统
- 视频卫星(VSAT)通信
- 幅度建立时间:200 ns(典型值)
- 宽带抑制:≥30 dB
- 单芯片实现方案
- 符合RoHS标准的40引脚、6 mm × 6 mm、LFCSP封装
ADMV8432ACPZ,封装:40-Lead LFCSP (6mm x 6mm),包装形式及数量:Cut Tape,500,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:103.5(100-499个);95.8(1000+个)
ADMV8432ACPZ-R5,封装:40-Lead LFCSP (6mm x 6mm),包装形式及数量:卷带,500,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:103.5(100-499个);95.8(1000+个)

EVAL-ADMV8432:ADMV8432 评估板
The ADMV8416-EVALZ/ADMV8432-EVALZ evaluation boards aid in the evaluation of the ADMV8416 and ADMV8432 bandpass filters with selectable pass band frequency.
The ADMV8416-EVALZ/ADMV8432-EVALZ evaluation boards have end launch 2.4 mm connectors on both the input and the output to allow an efficient connection to test equipment and other circuitry.
Optimized power and ground planes ensure low noise and high speed operation. Component placement and power supply bypassing are optimized for maximum circuit flexibility and performance.
All components are placed on the primary side. No components are placed on the secondary side (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). Note that the ADMV8432-EVALZ evaluation board is labeled ADMV8416-EVALZ. The ADMV8416 and ADMV8432 are evaluated using the same printed circuit board (PCB).
The ADMV8416 and ADMV8432 data sheets, available at www.analog.com, provide full specifications for the ADMV8416 and ADMV8432. Consult the ADMV8416 and ADMV8432 data sheets in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation boards.