From airports to shopping malls, there is a growing necessity for early, accurate, and fast threat detection. Millimeter wave (mmWave) imaging technology has evolved to deliver the necessary high detection accuracy without impacting traffic flow.
Traditional stand-still scanners are too cumbersome for venues with narrow entrances, too slow to process large numbers of people quickly, and too expensive to be practical for most venues. In contrast, a walkthrough scanner using mmWave sensing technology reveals concealed objects with high resolution detail—far superior to traditional walkthrough portals that simply beep if they detect something metallic. mmWave scanners show a security agent exactly where to look and what to look for should they need to inspect further, all in real time with high accuracy and speed.
The growing use cases for walkthrough systems go beyond airports and include stadiums, government security agencies, commercial, and municipal buildings.
- 评估板 - DC-DC 与 AC-DC(离线)SMPS
- 线性器件 - 放大器 - 仪器、运算放大器、缓
- 数据采集 - 数模转换器(DAC)
- 数字隔离器
- RF 调制器
- 接口 - 驱动器,接收器,收发器
- 电源管理IC - 栅极驱动器
- 接口 - 模拟开关 - 特殊用途
- 数字隔离器
- 数据采集 - 数模转换器(DAC)
- 隔离器 - 栅极驱动器
- 电源管理IC - 栅极驱动器
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