- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:运算放大器
- 技术类目:零漂移运算放大器
- 功能描述:36 V、低噪声、零漂移运算放大器
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

ADA4523-1是一款高电压、低噪声、零漂移运算放大器,可在4.5 V至36 V宽电源范围内提供精密直流性能。失调电压和1/f噪声得到抑制,使该放大器能够实现最大±4 µV的失调电压以及88 nV p-p(典型值)的0.1 Hz至10 Hz输入噪声电压。ADA4523-1的自校准电路在0.01 µV/°C(最大值)温度下具有低失调电压漂移以及随时间而变化的零点漂移。此外,ADA4523-1利用片内滤波实现较高的抗电磁干扰(EMI)能力。
宽电源范围与低噪声、低失调、168 dB电源抑制比(PSRR)和160 dB共模抑制比(CMRR)相结合,使ADA4523-1非常适合高动态范围测试、测量和仪器仪表系统。
- 高分辨率数据采集
- 基准电压源缓冲
- 测试与测量
- 电子秤
- 热电偶放大器
- 应变计
- 低端电流检测
- 电源电压范围:4.5 V至36 V
- 失调电压:±4 µV(最大值,5 V时)
- 失调电压漂移:0.01 µV/°C(最大值,5 V时)
- 输入噪声
- 电压:88 nV p-p(0.1 Hz至10 Hz,典型值)
- 频谱密度电压:4.2 nV/√Hz(1 kHz,典型值)
- 轨到轨输出
- 单位增益稳定
- GBP:5 MHz(典型值)
- 压摆率:1.8 V/μs(典型值,下降)
- PSRR:168 dB(典型值,VS = 4.5 V至36 V)/li>
- 开环电压增益:160 dB(典型值,VOUT = −14.75 V至+14.75 V,RL = 10 k?,VS = 30 V)
- CMRR:160 dB(典型值,VCM = −15.1 V至+13.5 V,VS= 30V)
- 集成EMI滤波器
- 关断模式
- 接地检测
- 提供8引脚SOIC、8引脚MSOP和8引脚LFCSP三种封装
ADA4523-1BCPZ,封装:8-Lead LFCSP (3mm x 3mm x 0.75mm),包装形式及数量:管装,121,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:1.18(100-499个);1.02(1000+个)
ADA4523-1BCPZ-RL7,封装:8-Lead LFCSP (3mm x 3mm x 0.75mm),包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:1.18(100-499个);1.02(1000+个)
ADA4523-1BRMZ,封装:8-Lead MSOP,包装形式及数量:管装,50,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:1.18(100-499个);1.02(1000+个)
ADA4523-1BRMZ-RL7,封装:8-Lead MSOP,包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:1.18(100-499个);1.02(1000+个)
ADA4523-1BRZ,封装:8-Lead SOIC,包装形式及数量:管装,100,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:1.18(100-499个);1.02(1000+个)
ADA4523-1BRZ-RL7,封装:8-Lead SOIC,包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 125C,AD官网报价:1.18(100-499个);1.02(1000+个)

EVAL-ADA4523-1:ADA4523-1 Evaluation Board
The EVAL-ADA4523-1ARMZ allows the evaluation of the ADA4523-1 single-channel, 8-lead, micro small outline package (MSOP) operational amplifier. The ADA4523-1 in this evaluation board is configured as a noninverting amplifier with a gain of 101. The ADA4523-1 has a typical gain bandwidth product of 4 MHz. When using a gain of 101, the useable bandwidth of the ADA4523-1 is limited to approximately 39.6 kHz. This limitation in bandwidth acts as a low-pass filter that rejects the artifacts generated by the 330 kHz internal chopping frequency of the ADA4523-1.
The EVAL-ADA4523-1 layout lessens the thermocouple effects of the trace and components that introduce offset voltages greater than the maximum offset voltage of the ADA4523-1 by carefully constructing the nodes connected to the inverting and noninverting inputs. The ADA4523-1 also features a shutdown mode for low power applications. Test point provisions for the SD and SD_COM pins are placed on the EVAL-ADA4523- 1ARMZ to easily use the shutdown function.
The EVAL-ADA4523-1ARMZ mainly consists of 0805 sized resistors and capacitors to ensure simple installation except for the bypass capacitors. The 10 µF bypass capacitors (C1 and C4) have a 2220 package size to accommodate a higher voltage rating because the ADA4523-1 has a maximum supply of 55 V. For full details on the ADA4523-1, see the ADA4523-1 data sheet, which must be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the EVAL-ADA4523-1ARMZ.
Equipment Needed
Dual output power supply Signal generator Oscilloscope 3 banana jack to grabber cables 2 SMA to BNC male cables