- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:专用放大器
- 技术类目:差动放大器
- 功能描述:双通道音频差分放大器
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

AD8273可以采用单电源或双电源供电,两路放大器仅要求2.5 mA最大供电电流。AD8273工业温度范围:-40°C ~ +85°C,完全符合RoHS标准。
应用Data Sheet, Rev. 0, 1/08
- 14引脚SOIC封装
- 两个增益设置:
½ 增益 (-6 dB)
2倍增益 (6 dB)(+6 dB)
最大增益漂移:10 ppm - 低失真度: 0.004%, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
- 供电电压范围:±2.5 V to ±18 V
- 供电电流:每通道2.5 mA
- 出众的交流性能指标
压摆率:20 V/µs
建立时间:800 ns to 0.01% - 高精度直流性能
77 dB minimum CMRR
最大失调电压:700 μV
AD8273ARZ,封装:14-Lead SOIC,包装形式及数量:管装,56,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:2.11(100-499个);1.76(1000+个)
AD8273ARZ-R7,封装:14-Lead SOIC,包装形式及数量:卷带,1000,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:2.11(100-499个);1.76(1000+个)
AD8273ARZ-RL,封装:14-Lead SOIC,包装形式及数量:卷带,2500,工作温度:-40 to 85C,AD官网报价:2.11(100-499个);1.76(1000+个)

EVAL-AD827X:AD8273/AD8277/AD8279 Evaluation Board
The design of this board emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. This board comes with a ready assortment of connection options (BNC and RCA connectors), and many configurations are set by jumpers.
The AD8273, AD8277, AD8279 data sheets, available at www.analog.com, cover the details of the device’s operation. Using these data sheets for reference will help designers in their end application. The data sheets are helpful for understanding the operation of the AD8273/AD8277/AD8279 evaluation board, especially during the initial configuration and when powering up for the first time.