- 制造厂商:AD
- 产品类别:精密DAC
- 技术类目:多通道电压输出数模转换器
- 功能描述:+2.5V至5.5V、500 μA、四通道、轨到轨电压输出12位DAC,内置并行接口,采用28引脚TSSOP封装
- (AD代理渠道,提供当日发货、严格的质量标准,满足您的目标价格)

AD5334/AD5335/AD5336/AD5344分别是四通道、8/10/12位DAC,采用2.5 V至5.5 V电源供电,3 V时功耗仅500 μA,省电模式下功耗可降至80 nA。这些器件均内置一个片内输出缓冲,可将输出同时驱动至两个供电轨。
- 两个12位DAC,采用28引脚TSSOP封装
- 低功耗:600 µA (5 V),500 µA (3 V)
- 省电模式:200 nA (5 V),80 nA (3 V)
- 通过设计保证单调性
- 上电复位至0 V
- 双缓冲输入逻辑
- 通过LDAC引脚(低电平有效)同时更新DAC输出
- 低功耗并行数据接口
- 温度范围:-40°C 至105°C
AD5344BRUZ,封装:28-Lead TSSOP (4.4mm x 9.7mm),包装形式及数量:管装,50,工作温度:-40 to 105C,AD官网报价:13.79(100-499个);11.16(1000+个)
AD5344BRUZ-REEL7,封装:28-Lead TSSOP (4.4mm x 9.7mm),包装形式及数量:卷带,1000,工作温度:-40 to 105C,AD官网报价:13.79(100-499个);11.16(1000+个)

EVAL-AD5344:AD5344DBZ Evaluation Board
The EVAL-AD5344DBZ is designed to quickly prototype AD5344 circuits and reduce design time. The EVAL-AD5344DBZ interfaces with the USB port of a PC via the SDP-B controller board. Software can be downloaded that allows users to program the AD5344.
The EVAL-AD5344DBZ evaluation board requires the SDP-B controller board.
Full specifications for the AD5344 are listed in the AD5344 data sheet available from Analog Devices and should be consulted in conjunction with UG-985 when using the evaluation board.